Every application have some advantages and disadvantages. This comparison is very usefull to know differences about that. That differences writed in this difference table:
- Inkscape
have high quality colours because there have flat colours, gradients, and
transparency colour levels.
- High
accuracy images can process perfectly. Inkscape have vector graphic standard
where painter can change every part in his/her picture without change image
- Inkscape
is very good to process complex objects because it have detail parameters. The
example of detail parameters are lines, fill colours, layers, position, and
- Inkscape
can correct every line part with Edit Paths By Nodes tool.
- For
some people who they work in graphic design field, this application is familiar
as same as Corel Draw and Adobe Illustrator in Windows operating system.
- Difficult
to learn this application for beginners because Inkscape have many complex
- Need
patience and precision to produce best picture
- Inkscape
can not save the documents to some document file formats like jpeg,jpg,png, and
other bitmap
- Computer
work is hard when I make many layers or objects in one worksheet.
- KolourPaint
is easy to learn because this application has basic features
- KolourPaint
is similar with Windows graphic application, it is Paint.
- It
can save the documents into jpg, jpeg, png,and
bmp document file formats
- KolourPaint
only can produce standard bitmap images
- It
can’t process to complex objects
- Only
have flat colours
- It
has not high accuracy editing, especially in line parts
This some image comparison results:
Idk dont understand by jhope BTS